Enhancing Salesforce Security: A Holistic Approach with Data Masking

Cloud Compliance
4 min readJan 2, 2024

This article explores how data masking is key to strengthening your Salesforce security. Learn how this simple yet powerful method helps keep your data safe from breaches and meets compliance standards.

Why This Matters

In light of recent cybersecurity incidents in Australia and New Zealand, understanding Salesforce security, including Salesforce data masking, is more crucial than ever. It’s essential for any organization processing private data, especially under GDPR and CCPA regulations.

Key Areas of Focus

Application Security: Salesforce mandates multifactor authentication (MFA), a critical security layer. Consider using a VPN to restrict access to your Salesforce org, ensuring that users log in from secure, corporate devices.

Data Security: The heart of Salesforce security lies in data management. Collect what you need, regularly remove unnecessary data, and always secure what you retain. This approach aligns with privacy laws and reduces the risk of data breaches.

Awareness and Training: Security awareness should be ongoing, not a one-time event. Educate your teams about security best practices within and outside the workplace. Utilize resources like Salesforce’s Trailhead for continuous learning.

Assessing Org Health: Regular health checks using Salesforce’s built-in tools can help identify potential security gaps. For a more nuanced understanding, especially in complex environments, consider engaging experts like Doug Merrett for specialized assessments.

Understanding the Value and Liability of Data

In the dynamic landscape of Salesforce data management, discerning the value and liability of data is crucial. A staggering 70% of data in many Salesforce systems is obsolete, carrying hidden costs that can impede organizational agility, inflate storage expenses, skew AI models, and disrupt sales pipelines. In contrast, only about 30% of the data actively contributes to revenue generation and business operations. This disparity highlights the need for a strategic approach to data management in Salesforce.

The Marginal Return on Data Over Time

Data, like any asset, has a diminishing return over time. Initially, data brings significant value, driving informed decision-making and strategic insights. However, as time progresses, the relevance and utility of data often decrease, turning it into a liability rather than an asset. This shift necessitates a proactive stance in data management, ensuring that only pertinent and valuable data is retained.

Salesforce Data Masking in Sandboxes

Protecting data in Salesforce sandboxes is crucial. DataMasker, a tool developed by Cloud Compliance, offers an effective solution for Salesforce data masking, ensuring that sensitive information is protected even in development environments.

The Need for Data Masking in Dev Sandboxes

Risk Mitigation: Dev sandboxes often contain real user data, including email addresses and phone numbers. With thousands of users, the risk of exposing sensitive information is significant. Data masking becomes essential to protect this data while allowing developers to work with realistic datasets.

Security Best Practices: why risk exposing user email addresses and other personal information in Dev sandboxes? Implementing data masking is a proactive step towards adhering to security best practices.

Compliance with Privacy Laws: With regulations like GDPR and CCPA, the need to protect personal data is not just a security concern but also a legal one. Data masking helps maintain compliance with these laws

Shield Platform Encryption: While Salesforce’s Shield Platform Encryption adds an extra layer of security, it’s essential to understand its scope. It encrypts data at the Salesforce database level, addressing specific contractual and legal requirements.

Implementing Effective Security Measures

Implementing robust security measures in Salesforce involves several steps:

  • Classify Your Data: Start by classifying your fields to understand what data you have and where it’s stored.
  • Minimize Data Access: Use minimal access profiles and permission sets for each integration, ensuring users only have the necessary access.
  • Monitor and Control: Utilize Salesforce’s event monitoring and transaction security policies to monitor user activities and restrict potentially harmful actions closely.

Data Retention and Compliance

Cloud Compliance’s Privacy Center on AppExchange automates retention policies, helping organizations comply with privacy laws. It’s essential to regularly review and update these policies to align with evolving regulations and business needs.

Salesforce security is an ongoing journey, not a destination. As technologies and threats evolve, so should your security strategies. Engaging with experts, utilizing the right tools like Salesforce data masking, and fostering a culture of security awareness are key to safeguarding your Salesforce environment.

Book a Demo with Cloud Compliance for more insights and detailed strategies on Salesforce security, including Salesforce data masking sandbox techniques.



Cloud Compliance

Salesforce ISV, creator of 'Cloud Compliance - GDPR Data Management' AppExchange package to remove personal data and de-identify records without deleting them.